Las solicits más esperadas, DC en Febrero


Decíamos ayer que las Crisis, más allá de la calidad a la que consigan llegar como producto de entretenimiento, harán historia. Marcarán un antes y un después. Pues bien, los pedidos de DC para Febrero de 2006 nos permiten darle un pequeño atisbo a ese “antes”, en espera de que el mes que viene, con los pedidos para el “year after”, podamos vislumbrar el “después”.

Bob Wayne había anunciado que muchos nos sorprenderíamos de la cantidad de series que llevarían el cartelito de “número final”. Según dice el articulista de Wizard Ben Morse, no están todos los que son, pero si son todos los que están. Es decir, DC se ha reservado algunas sorpresas y no todos los títulos llevan ya la fatal etiqueta. Pero ya hay algunos que han sido marcados y que aquí os enumeramos. ¿Emoción? ¿Un minuto de silencio? ¿Respiraciones contenidas?
Las series con el “final issue” son Batman: Gotham Knights, Gotham Central (se rumorea que ambas pueden ser reemplazadas por un nuevo título llamado “Streets of Gotham”) y Wonder Woman, con posible reboot/recreación a la vista.
Por otra parte, la serie Batgirl no lleva la fatídica nota, pero sí que habla en la sinopsis del “fin de Batgirl”, con lo que no sería nada descabellado suponer que será reemplazada por la nueva serie de Batwoman.
Ah, por si creíais que Flash se salvaba de la quema… ni aparece en la lista de pedidos para este mes y recientemente han informado de que el número anunciado para Enero será el último de su colección.

En la interminable lista nos destacan varias cosas.

Se anuncian muertes en el especial de Rann/Thanagar war y en Supergirl. Esta última pinta “muy malamente” porque habla de que sólo puede haber una verdadera Supergirl (¿me seguís?) y que la muerte que habrá será inesperada mientras que Superman intenta detener a la protagonista del título que parece estar algo “desatada”.

Entre los debuts nos encontramos con una mini de cuatro números de Paul Pope con un Batman del futuro que promete mucho. También el barbaro de DC, Warlord, a manos de un Bruce Jones que acaba este mismo mes su limited Vigilante. Y en Wildstorm un derivado del Albion que hicieran Alan Moore y su hija con los personajes de la Fleetway británica, Thunderbolt Jaxon. Lo comanda Dave Gibbons.

De recopilatorios hay ciento y la madre, pero nosotros nos quedamos con sólo unos pocos. El Kid Eternity de Grant Morrison y Duncan Fegredo, donde el escocés consigue salirse de ideas pero narrar con medida. La edición en tapa blanda del The Will Eisner Companion y una nueva entrega de los Archivos de Spirit. Otro fenomenal Showcase a precios de risa, esta vez House of Mistery con dibujantes de la talla de Berny Writhson, Alex Toth, Neal Adams y Gil Kane. Empieza una nueva línea de Archives, All Star, con las primeras apariciones de los héroes de la Golden Age. ¿Por què se habrá puesto tan de moda esa época estos días? También encontramos otra fruta de temporada, un precioso The greatest stories ever told. ¿Sabéis de quién? A ver, pensemos un poco, ¿qué supergrupo de toda la vida parece estar pidiendo una elegía a gritos estos días? ¡Exacto, la JLA! Y acabamos con las rebajas. Se reoferta Countdown to Infinite Crisis y Prelude to Infinite Crisis para que coincida con la salida de Infinite Crisis Secret Files. ¿Que qué es eso? Vamos, no os quedéis conmigo. Que todos lo sabéis.

Aviso de Spoiler

Marv Wolfman nos explica, junto a Ordway y Jurgens (sigh, ¿no podría haber sido Perez?), qué han estado haciendo todos estos años Superman de Tierra-2, su Lois, el Alex Luthor de Tierra-3 y Superboy de Tierra Prime.

Esto enlaza bastante directamente con todas las colecciones de Superman de este mes,

Aviso de Spoiler

donde asistiremos a un repaso en toda regla a lo que fue, es y parece querer ser el primer superhéroe de todos, el Superman de Tierra Dos, que también aparece fuerte en Infinite Crisis número 5, dándose de piños con el Superman actual. Si es que ya lo avisábamos el otro día. Que esos planes que se traía para el final del número dos de IC no llevarían a nada bueno.

Y acabámos con una lista de breves: bonita portada de Jesús Sáiz para Birds of Prey en un número con equipo creativo invitado, la revancha entre Batman y Green Lantern en la colección de este último por aquello que les quedo a medias al final de Rebirth. Y como a Batman últimamente le gusta hacerse amigos y parece que no le gusta el verde, en la JLA se nos pelea con Green Arrow, aunque aquí parece que la culpa es de Oliver… y de La Envidia… y de La Clave… y del guionista… y de… Será por aquello de resarcirse del encuentro, pero en su propia colección Green Arrow se marca un enfrentamiento con el arquero de arqueros de los malvados, Merlyn. En el Annual de los Titanes tenemos a Wolfman co-guionizando los escarceos amorosos de Superboy y WonderGirl en Smallville. Cómo se entere Lana… Será por no tener problemas con las chicas que el propio Superboy decide hacer pareja después con Nightwing, en la serie regular de los Titanes, también con Wolfman de co-guionista. El annual parece ser post-nuevacrisis y el número regular de “los entroncados”. En la división animada de DC tenemos dos debuts: la Doom Patrol en Teen Titans go y Batgirl en Batman Strikes (Qué bonitas las portadas de Matsuda!). Por lo que respecta a trabajos de artistas contrastados, recordamos que tenemos en curso el Sgt. Rock de Joe Kubert, la JLA Classified de José Luís García López, la JSA de Levitz y Perez y el Justice de Alex Ross. No debemos olvidarnos del Solo de este mes: Scott Hampton. Y para acabar, dos curiosidades con padres de por medio en esas series menores que a mí me gusta mencionar. En Manhunter el padre de la protagonista aparece para ponerla en problemas, pero en la portada parece que tiene poderes!!!! (Anda ya!) Y dicen que a Firestorm lo tienen que reconstruir desde casi casi el polvo de estrellas y que Jason, el actual Cabeza Llameante, contará para ello con cierta ayuda y su padre devendrá en nuevo héroe (pero si era un maltratador!!). Ostras, se me olvidaba… ¿pero no habían dicho que la Legión no tendría nada que ver con estas Crisis?

Y ahora ya, sin más dilación, pasamos a copiaros los pedidos para que podáis haceros vosotros mismos una idea de por dónde irán los tiros y por dónde ira la sangre.

by Paul Pope
Acclaimed writer/illustrator Paul Pope (SOLO, 100%) delivers a startling four-issue miniseries set in Gotham City in the year 2039! Detective Gordon, grandson of Commissioner Jim Gordon, is baffled when a Federal agent is found murdered on his beat.
The investigation gets darker when the prime suspect is a man without an identity, a man who shouldn’t exist—the Batman! Here begins a mystery of epic proportions, a century in the making!
Please see the Dynamic Forces section of PREVIEWS for a signed edition.
On sale February 15 • 1 of 4 • 48 pg, FC, $5.99 US Edited by Bob Schreck

Written by Judd Winick, Art by Doug Mahnke & Tom Nguyen, Cover by Jock

Aviso de Spoiler

The mystery behind Jason Todd reaches a crescendo when the Dark Knight’s former sidekick holds hostage the villain responsible for his own murder! It’s a three-way showdown between Batman, the Red Hood, and the Joker!

Please see the Dynamic Forces section of Previews for a signed edition.
On sale February 22 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Shane McCarthy, Art and cover by Cliff Chiang
Part 2 of the 2-part “Victims!” Batman sets a trap for the sadistic Mr. Zsasz, and Alfred Pennyworth is the bait! Can the Dark Knight stop the killer from adding another notch to his scarred flesh?
On sale Feb 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Andersen Gabrych, Bill Willingham, Devin Grayson, Bruce Jones and Will Pfeifer
Art by Pete Woods, Giuseppe Camuncoli, and others
Cover by James Jean
A pivotal collection featuring BATMAN #643-644, DETECTIVE COMICS #809-810, and material from BATMAN ALLIES SECRET FILES 2005 and BATMAN VILLAINS SECRET FILES 2005!
On sale Feb 15 • 128 pg, FC, $12.99 US

Written by Eddie Campbell & Daren White
Art and cover by Bart Sears
A stunning new stand-alone story written by Eddie Campbell (BATMAN: ORDER OF THE BEASTS, From Hell, Bacchus) & Daren White (BATMAN: ORDER OF THE BEASTS, Bacchus) with amazing art by Bart Sears (WARLORD)! The Emergency Room of Gotham General Hospital is overwhelming for a rookie doctor on the best of days…but the hospital scene becomes pure pandemonium when the Joker is admitted — by Batman!
But the Joker knows a secret that threatens all of Gotham City…and Batman must keep him alive at all costs to determine just what it is!
On sale February 8 • 56 pg, FC, $4.99 US

Written by Andrew Helfer, Art by Tan Eng Huat, Cover by Pat Lee
Batman finds himself at a crossroads early in his career! With the threat of the Carrier behind him, romance has entered the Dark Knight’s civilian life. Is this Bruce Wayne’s chance for a normal, happy life? It looks like it — until a new threat blasts Batman back to his tortured reality.
On sale Feb 22 • 7 of 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by A.J. Lieberman, Art by Diego Olmos & Bit, Cover by Claudio Castellini
Batman must deal with Hush, the Joker, and their private war! But these two villains are forcing Batman to reexamine the rules he’s lived by his entire life, and the only way to stop the mayhem may be to break one of those sacred tenets. Final issue.
On sale Feb 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

By Matt Wagner
In the sinister grip of genetic mutants, the Batman learns first-hand that common criminals are not the worst evil to threaten Gotham. It’s an all-out slugfest as Batman pushes his training to the limit and goes toe-to-hideous-toe with the Monster Men!
On sale Feb 1 • 4 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Andersen Gabrych, Art by Pop Mhan & Jesse Delperdang, Cover by Tim Sale
Life and death maintain a tenuous balance at the edge of the Lazarus Pit. A major character has died. Now a battle must be fought between two old foes…and only one will survive. We’re not giving away
any secrets, except to say that this is the end of Batgirl!
On sale Feb 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by WIll Pfeifer, Art by Pete Woods, Cover by Adam Hughes
The Black Mask obliterated everything Catwoman had built in the East End, destroyed her sister’s mind, and nearly killed Holly. Now the moment you’ve been waiting for is here, as they finally face off! And a decision will be made that Selina can never reverse!
On sale Feb 22 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Greg Rucka, Art by Kano & Stefano Gaudiano, Cover by Sean Phillips
Gotham’s police squad has been forever altered, and before all is said and done, another officer will be gone. The detectives of the MCU look to close perhaps their most important case, while Montoya’s downward spiral reaches
a dangerous conclusion that could shatter her life. Final issue.
On sale Feb 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Devin Grayson, Art and cover by Phil Hester & Ande Parks
Deathstroke’s endgame is in play, and not everyone will make it out in one piece! On the run from the deadly Society, Nightwing is
in for the fight of his life. Guest-starring Oracle and a whole mess of villains as we wrap up one of the biggest Dick Grayson stories ever!
On sale Feb 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

ROBIN #147
Written by Bill Willingham & Bill Williams
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel & Andy Owens
A special issue guest-starring the Teen Titans! Robin and
and his friends race against the clock on a mission for a friend. But deep in the bowels of Cadmus Labs, terror lurks in the form of a Brainiac experiment gone horribly wrong!
On sale February 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Tim Sale, Ed Benes and Dan Jurgens
Cover by Ed McGuinness
Part 1 of “This Is Your Life, Superman,” a 3-part tale

Aviso de Spoiler

running through all three Superman titles in February! Witness the arrival of Kal-L, the Last Son of Krypton! Learn how he grew up to be the greatest hero of Earth-2.

This issue includes a special origin album by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale, the creative team behind SUPERMAN FOR ALL SEASONS!
On sale February 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Ed Benes and Dan Jurgens
Cover by Mark Schultz

Aviso de Spoiler

Part 2 of the 3-part “This Is Your Life, Superman!” Superman is caught by the one person he can’t defeat: Lois Lane! Witness the undying love story of the greatest couple of Earth-2, and how their love could bring about the end of the universe.

On sale Feb 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Karl Kerschl, Ed Benes and Dan Jurgens
Cover by Ivan Reis & Marc Campos
The conclusion to the 3-part “This Is Your Life, Superman!”

Aviso de Spoiler

Relive the climactic adventure of Earth-2’s Man of Steel as his world falls apart during the events of the original CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS.

On sale Feb 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Jeph Loeb, Art by Ian Churchill & Norm Rapmund, Covers by Churchill & Rapmund and Michael Turner
There can only be one true Supergirl, and there’s only one person who can help Kara win that title: Superman!
They’ve thrown down before, but now Superman has to stop Supergirl — even if it means the most unexpected death of all! Don’t miss this special issue guest-starring Batman and Wonder Woman! Retailers please note: This issue will feature two covers by Churchill & Rapmund and Michael Turner. Please see order form for details.
On sale February 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written and illustrated by various, Cover by Kevin Nowlan
This 192-page Superman collection revolves around the Daily Planet newspaper and its staff. Featuring classic stories with reporters Clark Kent and Lois Lane, photographer Jimmy Olsen, Editor-in-chief Perry White, and many more – showing how far they will go to get a great story!
This volume reprints select stories from ACTION COMICS #211, 429, 436, and 461, SUPERMAN (first series) #280, SUPERMAN’S GIRLFRIEND, LOIS LANE #17, 24, 45, and 56, SUPERMAN’S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN #42, 63, 75, and 124.
Advance-solicited; on sale March 1 • 192 pg, FC, $19.99 US

Written by Otto Binder, Bill Finger, Robert Bernstein and others
Art by Wayne Boring, Curt Swan, Al Plastino and others
Cover by Swan & Stan Kaye
The exploration of the Silver Age of Superman continues with this volume collecting stories from ACTION COMICS #248-254 AND SUPERMAN # 127-131 (1959)! Featuring the introductions of Lori Lemaris, Metallo and Bizarro, the return of Mr. Mxyzptlk, and more.
On sale Feb 1 • 240 pg, FC, $49.99 US

Written by Mark Verheiden and Gail Simone
Art and cover by Ed Benes, John Byrne and Nelson
The events that have turned the DCU upside down are reflected in this collection of stories from SUPERMAN #117, 121-125 with pages from ACTION COMICS #83. After his first contact with an OMAC, Superman must contend with the arrivals of Bizarro and Zoom i before dealing once and for all with a souped-up Blackrock!
On sale Feb 22 • 144 pg, FC, $14.99 US

Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Phil Jimenez & Andy Lanning
Covers by Jim Lee & Sandra Hope and George Pérez

Aviso de Spoiler

The DCU shakes apart as Superman of Earth 2 finally confronts our Superman. Meanwhile, heroes are disappearing throughout the DC Universe, a transformed villain returns, and the mystics of every world and dimension seek help from the very Spirit that is destroying them. Retailers please note: This issue will ship with covers by Lee & Hope (approximately 50%) and Pérez (approximately 50%).

On sale February 15 • 5 of 7 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US

Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Ivan Reis & Marc Campos
Cover by Gibbons & Michael Bair
Infinite Crisis is here — and the Cosmic Storm rages out of control, threatening the fate of the entire universe! While the Rannian and Thanagarian flagships each suspect that the other is responsible for the disturbances, Donna Troy must lead her team of space champions into the cosmos in an attempt to prevent total destruction. But as the war rages on, a startling discovery will be uncovered, one hero will be forever changed, and another will make the ultimate sacrifice.
On sale February 1 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US

Written by Marv Wolfman, Art by Dan Jurgens with Jerry Ordway & Marc Campos, Cover by Ivan Reis & Campos

Aviso de Spoiler

Don’t miss this important side chapter of the INFINITE CRISIS saga! Superman of Earth-2, his wife, Lois Lane of Earth-2, Alex Luthor of Earth-3 and Superboy from Earth Prime: the last survivors of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS. What happened to them after CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS is finally revealed here for the first time by one of the masterminds behind that landmark event: writer Marv Wolfman (NEW TEEN TITANS)!
Learn what these heroes have been doing, how they have changed, and how their reappearance will force the DCU’s heroes to reexamine themselves. This is the one Secret Files you dare not miss!

On sale February 22 • 64 pg, FC, $5.99 US

Written by Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka and Judd Winick
Art by Rags Morales, Ed Benes, Phil Jimenez, Ivan Reis and others
Cover by Jim Lee & Alex Ross
Reoffered to coincide with INFINITE CRISiS SECRET FILES 2006, this is the book that helped set the events of INFINITE CRISIS in motion!
On sale Feb 22 • 80 pg, FC, $1.99 US • RELIST

Written and illustrated by various Composite cover
Reoffered to coincide with INFINITE CRISIS SECRET FILES 2006, this volume collects the crossover story from THE FLASH #219 and WONDER WOMAN #214, plus the lead story from SUPERMAN SECRET FILES 2004. Along with these are select pages from nearly two dozen other DCU comics, with new text adding context to each story sequence.
On sale Feb 15 • 96 pg, FC, $5.99 US • RELIST

Written by Gardner Fox, Jerry Siegel, Bill Finger,
Jon L. Blummer, Ken Fitch, John B. Wentworth, and various
Art by Sheldon Moldoff, Martin Nodell, Bernard Bailey, Creig Flessel, Chad Grothkopf, Jon L. Blummer,
Everett Hibbard, William Smith and Stan Aschmeier
Cover by Howard Purcell
From the Golden Age of comics — a special volume collecting the early individual adventures of the members of the Justice Society of America from ALL STAR COMICS #1 and #2 at a special price!
While ALL STAR COMICS #3 was unquestionably one of comics’ greatest milestones, issues #1 and #2 were also impressive in their own right. Virtually every founding member of the (yet-to-debut) original JSA lineup — minus Superman and Batman — was represented in these individual adventures, and most of the stories are written and drawn by their original creators. ALL STAR ARCHIVES Vol. 0 is the perfect preface to the 11-volume complete reprinting of every JSA adventure from the Golden Age.
Now the entire body of these “All Star” exploits is in print and available to all those who were there when they were published the first time around — or wish they had been!
Advance-solicited; on sale March 15 • 144 pg, FC, $39.99 US

Written by John Arcudi, Art by Leonard Kirk & Andy Clarke, Cover by Brian Bolland
Aquaman has lost his kingdom for a second time, and chaos closes in on the unsure hero in the form of Black Manta. It’s a fight that may make or break Aquaman, just as an important part of his past reemerges.
On sale Feb 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by John Byrne & Will Pfeifer, Art by Byrne & Dan Green, Cover by Byrne
When Lucifer fell, he took one-third of all the heavenly host with him to dwell in Hell! Now, they all want Etrigan!
On sale Feb 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Jim Alexander, Art by Brad Walker & Jimmy Palmiotti, Cover by Jesus Saiz
Guest writer Jim Alexander (BATMAN: 80-PAGE GIANT)
teams up with guest artists Walker and Palmiotti (MANHUNTER, CATWOMAN) for a stand-alone tale of a sought-after organ donor whose plight is personal to two of the Birds!
On sale Feb 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Gail Simone, Art by Ed Benes, Ron Adrian, Jim Fern, Eric Battle, Eduardo Barreto and others
Cover by Matt Haley
A new volume collecting BIRDS OF PREY #69-75! Huntress goes undercover to infiltrate a religious cult with a dangerous secret, while Black Canary and Oracle uncover the true nature of Sovereign Brusaw’s organization.
Advance-solicited; on sale March 29 • 176 pg, FC, $16.99 US

Written by Arnold Drake, Art by Bruno Premiani and Bob Brown, Cover by Brian Bolland
An amazing hardcover collecting DOOM PATROL #98-105 and CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN #48 (1966)! Witness a new “unofficial” member, a wedding, and the Challengers of the Unknown! Featuring an introduction by comics historian Bill Schelly and a new cover by Brian Bolland!
On sale Feb 15 • 240 pg, FC, $49.99 US

Written by Stuart Moore, Art and cover by Eddy Barrows & Rob Stull
«Building a Better Firestorm» concludes as Jason Rusch and a new partner must reconstruct the Nuclear Man — from the atoms up! But with the INFINITE CRISIS raging, can Firestorm rejoin Donna Troy’s team in time? Guest-starring the DCU’s newest hero: Jason’s dad!
On sale Feb 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Ethan Van Sciver & Prentis Rollins
Covers by Simone Bianchi & Ethan Van Sciver
The rematch you’ve been waiting for since the end of GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH! Strange deaths in Gotham City point to an all-new Tattooed Man. But can Green Lantern and Batman work together long enough to stop this artistic string of murders? Plus, Batman gets a power ring? Retailers please note: This issue will feature two covers Simone Bianchi & Ethan Van Sciver. Please see order form for details.
On sale February 22 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Judd Winick, Art by Paul Lee & Dan Davis, Cover by James Jean
Arrow for arrow,bow versus bow, Green Arrow faces off against Merlyn; and in the balance lies the fate of Star City’s millions of citizens! How many can the Emerald Archer save when at every turn another deadly explosion rocks his beloved hometown?
On sale Feb 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Judd Winick, Art by Phil Hester, Tom Fowler, Eric Battle, Tommy Castillo and others
Cover by James Jean
Collecting GREEN ARROW #40-50, guest-starring the Teen Titans and Outsiders! Star City’s underworld has been taken over by Brick, who, along with the Riddler, wants Green Arrow dead! And Mia Dearden, Green Arrow’s new ward, also faces new highs and lows!
On sale February 1 • 256 pg, FC, $17.99 US

Written by Steve Gerber & Mary Skrenes, Art by Brian Hurtt & Steve Bird, Cover by Hurtt
The delusional serial killer Cutter settles in among State Penitentiary’s inmates, charming some and terrifying others — and he’s got a supernaturally strong effect on Ethan Harrow!
On sale Feb 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Art by Chris Batista & Cam Smith Cover by Adam Kubert
Concluding the 3-part “Coalition in Crisis!” The repercussions of the Rann/Thanagar War climax as Hawkman and Hawkgirl face their feelings for each other with total annihilation looming ahead. There’s no turning back now, and the imminent Crisis may determine their ultimate fate.
On sale Feb 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Len Wein, Robert Kanigher, Gerry Conway and others
Art by Bernie Wrightson, Neal Adams, Gil Kane, Alex Toth and others
Cover by Joe Orlando
Do you dare to enter…the House of Mystery? Everyone who does will find a full 22 issues of this classic DC series! Beginning with editor Joe Orlando’s first issue (#174), this 552-page black-and-white trade paperback features a wealth of art from macabre masters!
On sale Feb 8 • 552 pg, B&W, $16.99 US

Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Don Kramer, Keith Champagne and various, Cover by Alex Ross
Don’t miss a new collection featuring JSA #68-75 plus pages from 66-67! The Spectre, without a human host, is running rampant, meting out a brutal form of justice encouraged by the new Eclipso! Plus, Atom Smasher seeks forgiveness, Degaton’s plan to destroy the JSA is thwarted, and more!
Advance-solicited; on sale March 1 • 200 pg, FC, $??.99 US

JLA #125
Written by Bob Harras, Art by Tom Derenick & Dan Green, Cover by Daniel Acuña
The astounding conclusion of the 6-part “World Without a Justice League!” The final confrontation between the man who tried to bring the JLA back together and the man who’s splintered the JLA — perhaps forever— reaches its frenzied finale!
Green Arrow takes years of pent-up resentment (fueled by one of the escaped Seven Deadly Sins, Envy, and the newly amplified Key) and takes on the Batman for breaking up the League!
On sale February 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Gail Simone, Art by José Luis García-Lopéz & Klaus Janson
Cover by García-Lopéz
«The Hypothetical Woman,” Part 2 of 6. The fodder for General Tuzik’s “Anti-League” is harvested, while the mysterious disease that’s gripped the Flash sends him over the fevered edge! Can Wonder Woman match the Speed Force gone mad?
On sale Feb 22 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written and illustrated by various, Cover by Alex Ross
Collecting some of the stand-out tales from the long history of the World’s Greatest Super-Heroes, from the Silver Age through INFINITE CRISIS! Included here are JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #19, #77, #122, #166-168, JUSTICE LEAGUE #1, JLA SECRET FILES #1, JLA #61, and the 3-page origin from JLA #200, pencilled by George Pérez!
On sale Feb 22 • 192 pg, FC, $19.99 US

JSA #82
Written by Paul Levitz, Art and cover by George Pérez & Bob Wiacek

Aviso de Spoiler

Legendary JSA writer Paul Levitz makes his stellar return to the DCU with superstar artist George Pérez (CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, WONDER WOMAN) for an important chapter of INFINITE CRISIS in a story featuring the members of original JSA: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman! Please see the Dynamic Forces section of Previews for a signed edition.

On sale February 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Don Kramer & Keith Champagne
Cover by Dale Eaglesham & Champagne
The spotlight shines on Wildcat and Flash! These two members of the JSA star in a new story shipping twice in February by writer Peter Tomasi (OUTSIDERS, THE LIGHT BRIGADE) with art by the JSA team of Don Kramer & Keith Champagne! A mysterious figure has gained control of the Spear of Destiny, one of the most dangerous artifacts on earth, and is using it to pit the two heroes against each other!
Issue #8 on sale February 1; issue #9 on sale February 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Jim Krueger & Alex Ross
Art by Doug Braithwaite & Ross
Cover by Ross
The former supervillains announce their plans for the betterment of humankind! But while they’re behaving as saviors to the populace, they strike out as adversaries their ultimate target–the Justice League!
On sale February 15 • 4 of 12 • 40 pg, FC, $3.50 US

DC/Ross/¿No es un poco rara esta portada? ¿Pero esto no era una especie de Elseworlds?

Written by Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti, Art by Luke Ross, Cover by Howard Chaykin
The world’s wildest western series continues! Hex has faced a lot of tough choices in his life, but nuthin’ harder than when he’s got to save the life of an absolute idiot…or die tryin’! Look for lots of blood spillin’ in this one, folks!
On sale Feb 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Stuart Moore & Mark Waid, Art by Patrick Olliffe and Barry Kitson, Cover by Kitson

Aviso de Spoiler

It’s the Legion of Super-Heroes you thought you’d never see, as the greatest heroes of the 31st century become the greatest heroes of the Multiverse! Plus, the return of the ever-popular “Letters to o the Legion!»


On sale Feb 22 • 40 pg, FC, $2.99US

Written by Mark Andreyko, Art by Javier Pina & Fernando Blanco
Cover by Jesus Saiz
The Manhunter finally faces off against her deadliest foe — her own father! Can Manhunter deliver deserved justice, or is blood really thicker than water?
On sale Feb 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Jennifer Van Meter, Art by by Dietrich Smith & Art Thibert
Cover by Daniel Acuña
An INFINITE CRISIS tie-in by Jen Van Meter (JSA CLASSIFIED) with art by Dietrich Smith & Art Thibert! Arsenal’s strike force infiltrates a Society operation that’s been targeting heroes throughout the DCU — and this one’s aimed directly at the Marvel Family!
On sale Feb 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Joe Kubert, Art and cover by Kubert
Sgt. Rock and the combat-happy Joes of Easy Company have seen it all — but they’ve never been served with a mission like this! Having picked up the “package” that could swing the war for the Allied forces, Rock, Easy and their Partisan guides begin the dangerous trek from Lithuania to Estonia. Little do they know that what they’re delivering could result in their own downfall. Has Easy Co. finally met its match? Not if Rock has anything to say about it!
On sale February 15 • 2 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Scott Hampton & John Hitchcock, Art and cover by Hampton
Join Scott Hampton (BATMAN: GOTHAM COUNTY LINE) as he tells five tales of horror, humor and hijinx! You’ll meet the ‘real’ caped-crusader in “Batman:1947,” blast off for other worlds in the EC Comics-inspired “The Monsters,” take an unflinching look at the rock & roll world of today’s comic book industry in “Another Success Story,” and feel the dread hand of modern horror in “The Road To Samarra.” And as an added bonus, Scott presents a “How To” section on the creation of his phenomenal art! Be there!
On sale February 22 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US

Written by Grant Morrison, Art and cover by Yanick Paquette & Serge LaPointe
Working as a bodyguard at a super-hero convention, Alix Harrower — the Bulleteer — finds herself enmeshed in the bizarre relationship between Li’l Hollywood, a faded super-impressionist, and her sidekick. As one tragedy unfolds, a second threatens when Alix finds herself in the sights of the mysterious, undead super-archer — Spyder — assassin for hire!
On sale February 1 • 3 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Grant Morrison, Art and cover by Doug Mahnke
When a bizarre toxic spill defies the laws of nature and threatens the whole human race with destruction, it looks like even Frankenstein could be in over his head, and the Monster must turn to an amazing new ally for help. Enter The Bride and meet the incredible agents of the Super Human Advanced Defense Executive!
On sale February 15 • 3 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Geoff Johns & Marv Wolfman, Art by Paco Medina & Juan Vlasco, Cover by Ed Benes
Marv Wolfman returns to the Titans! Get ready for the first TEEN TITANS ANNUAL. Having narrowly survived the death and destruction of the CRISIS, Superboy and Wonder Girl find some time alone in Smallville…but will it be a bloody Valentine?
On sale February 8 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US


Written by Geoff Johns & Marv Wolfman
Art and cover by Tony S. Daniel & Richard Bonk
Marv Wolfman returns to the Titans! An INFINITE CRISIS tie-in guest-starring Nightwing! Superboy learns from Nightwing just what the Titans mean to him and the world as they leave on a mission given to them by the most unlikely of allies!
On sale Feb 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Phil Jimenez and Judd Winick
Art by José Luis García-Lopez, Alé Garza, George Pérez, Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning and others
Cover by Jimenez & Pérez
An amazing collection featuring TITANS/YOUNG JUSTICE: GRADUATION DAY #1-3 and DC SPECIAL: THE RETURN OF DONNA TROY #1-4! !
On sale Feb 1 • 176 pg, FC, $14.99 US

Written by Bruce Jones
Art and cover by Bart Sears
Prepare for the triumphant return of one of the greatest and longest-running sword-and-sorcery characters of all time in a new series written by Bruce Jones (VIGILANTE, YEAR ONE: BATMAN/SCARECROW) with stunning visuals by Bart Sears (JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL)!
Return with Travis Morgan to the amazing continent of Skartaris…a world of extraordinary fantasy and heart-stopping adventure! The land of Shamballah is caught in the grip of the tyrant Brouis — but the chronicles prophecy a liberator in the form of a displaced man of our time. The phenomenal exploits of this heroic time-lost hero begin here!
On sale February 24 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Greg Rucka, Art by Cliff Richards & Ray Snyder, Cover by J.G. Jones
Astonishing final issue! With the universe in turmoil, Diana prepares to face her ultimate challenge. Looking back on her relationship with Superman from the way it began to its recent turmoil, will she find a way to rebuild what she’s lost? Final issue.
On sale February 22 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Greg Rucka and Geoff Johns
Art by Rags Morales, Drew Johnson, Justiniano, Michael Bair, and others, Cover by J.G. Jones
Collecting WONDER WOMAN #214-217 and THE FLASH #219! Just as Wonder Woman is starting to deal with her blindness, the Cheetah returns and teams with the Reverse-Flash! Then Athena sends Wonder Woman on a journey of unimagined peril!
On sale Feb 8 • 128 pg, FC, $12.99US

Written by Bruce Jones, Art by Ben Oliver, Cover by Michael Golden
The unbelievable finale! Dr. Justin Powell and Dr. Rene Carpenter come face to face with the most talked about man in Metropolis — the Vigilante — as they discover his incredible secret. Will this finally lay his inner demons to rest? And will he be able to save them in the process?
On sale Feb 22 • 6 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by J. Torres, Art by Todd Nauck & Lary Stucker, Cover by Sean Galloway
The Teen Titans are about to meet doom…the Doom Patrol, that is! The Doom Patrol makes its debut in the pages of TEEN TITANS GO, as we learn some secret details of Beast Boy’s life before he joined the Titans.
On sale February 22 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by Bill Matheny, Art by Christopher Jones & Terry Beatty, Cover by Jeff Matsuda
Introducing: Batgirl! For the first time ever in The Batman Strikes, Barbara Gordon hits the streets of Gotham City, fighting for justice and keeping her secret alter ego hidden from her father, Police Commissioner James Gordon!
On sale Feb 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by Adam Beechen, Art and cover by Ethen Beavers
In the deep reaches of outer space, Superman lies injured
and powerless on a remote planet under a red sun. And the
only one who can save the Man of Steel is…Space Cabby?
On sale Feb 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by Jennifer Moore and Sean Carolan, Art and cover by Phil Moy
A special reprinting of the hard-to-find first issue of THE POWERPUFF GIRLS! Your collection isn’t complete without
«Squirrelly Burly,» the classic tale of a super-powered squirrel
that was made into the episode «Stray Bullet»!
Retro-solicited; on sale Jan 18 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by Jennifer Moore, Sean Carolan and Janet Harvey
Art by Phil Moy Photo cover
Turn two real-life Japanese pop stars into hypercool cartoon characters, and you’ve got pure rock ’n’ roll adventure! Bandmates and best friends Ami and Yumi cope with magic guitars, space aliens and their greedy manager Kaz!
Retailers please note: This issue is resolicited; all previous orders are cancelled.
Resolicited; on sale Feb 15 • 1 of 3 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

MAD #463
Written and illustrated by The Usual Gang of Idiots
What better way to woo your honey on Valentine’s Day than with candy, roses…and this hilarious, joke-filled issue of MAD? Trust us, the ladies love MAD.
On sale Feb 1• 48 pg, FC/B&W, $3.99 US

Written and illustrated by The Usual Gang of Idiots
The brand-new magazine for kids
8 to 10 years old continues! Don’t miss fun-filled games, puzzles, interviews, posters and lots of laughs — plus the all new adventures
of Spy vs. Spy Jr.!
On sale Feb 8 • 64 pg, FC/B&W, $4.99 US

Written by Mark Millar and David Michelinie.
Art by Aluir Amancio, Neil Vokes, Mike Manley, Terry Austin and Ron Boyd. Cover by Manley & Austin
Superman confronts his own past as he encounters survivors from Krypton, including his parents, Jor-El and Lara! Plus, someone wants to expose Clark’s secret to Lex Luthor and the world! An encounter with Dr. Fate rounds out this collection reprinting issues #30-34 of the ongoing series!
Advance-solicited; on sale March 1 • 5” x 7.375” • 112 pg, FC, $6.99US

Written by Mark Millar, Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer
Art by Aluir Manncio, Bret Blevins and Terry Austin
Cover by Rich Burchett & Austin
The Man of Steel battles the sinister Toyman, the mysterious Multi-face, the Parasite, Mr. Mxyzptlk and the deadly Brainiac. Plus an appearance by Supergirl! All in this 112-page manga-size super specatacular! Reprinting issues #35-39 of the ongoing series
Advance-solicited; on sale March 1 • 5” x 7.375” • 112 pg, FC, $6.99US

Written by N.C. Christopher Couch and Stephen Weiner
Art and cover by Will Eisner
Will Eisner’s career spans the entire history of American comic books, from his formative days in the 1930s into the 1940s when he revolutionized narrative sequential art with his internationally famed series The Spirit, to the 1970s when he created the contemporary graphic novel form with A CONTRACT WITH GOD, to the present!
THE WILL EISNER COMPANION is a comprehensive, critical overview of the work of this legendary writer/artist, and is now available in softcover! Divided into two sections — his Spirit work and his graphic novels — this authorized companion features critical and historical essays by noted comics historians N.C. Christopher Couch and Stephen Weiner, as well as alphabetical indexes relating to all aspects and characters in his oeuvre. This volume also includes a chronology, a bibliography and suggested reading lists, as well as an introduction by Dennis O’Neil. THE WILL EISNER COMPANION is a must-have celebration for new fans as well as old.
On sale February 1 • 176 pg, B&W & 4C, $12.99 US

Para los que queráis ampliar lo que falta aquí, podéis dirigiros a este enlace donde ver de primera mano la parte de Vertigo y Wildstorm.

Artículo anteriorPortadas Alternativas: Infinite Crisis #5
Artículo siguienteDos Nuevos Carteles de KING KONG
Toni Boix
“Me llamo Toni Boix y soy un DC-Adicto”. A pesar de que mi niñez esté inundada de Sal Buscema y mi adolescencia de Spirit, Metropol, Cimoc y Zona 84. Porque Zinco me devuelve al redil. Zinco y Wolfman y Perez y Moore y Totleben y Gibbons y Miller y Bolland y García López. Después, el ansía. La escasez. La falta absoluta de alegrías. Mueren las revistas de cómics y Zinco vegeta. Mi ilusión se marcha a hacer las Américas. Suerte del Previews… y de los cómics que se malvenden. Le pido a Raúl López que me deje escribir una reseña en Zona Negativa promocionando Fallen Angel… y el resto es esta historia.
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